

General information

The URL [] (here in after the website) is a domain registered by Estrategia y OrganizaciĂ³n, S.A. (hereinafter the company) in name of the thecircularway project partners with registered office at C/ Doutor Cadaval, 5 1º 36202 Vigo (Pontevedra) and CIF: A36196418.

This page is only for informational purposes and for personal use, with the aim of making the Erasmus + thecircularway project known to the general public. Access to the website is free, notwithstanding that the contracting of products or services through the website is subject to a financial consideration.

The user agrees not to use the website or the information offered on it for activities contrary to law, morality or public order, and to respect the conditions of use established by the team partners.

Intellectual and industrial property

The team partnersowns the Intellectual Property rights to the content of this website, including,  graphic design, codes, fonts, texts, images, videos, trademarks, logos or distinctive signs, or has of the necessary permissions for its use.

Modification, copying, reproduction, downloading, transmission, distribution or transformation of the contents of the website is prohibited, if you do not have the authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.

The injury by third parties of the Intellectual Property rights or any other right over the content of this website, owned by the team partners, will give rise to the legally established responsibilities.

Web content and links

The information contained on this website may may have incorrections; for this reason, the company is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage or loss that may be caused by the accuracy, integrity or veracity of said information, nor for the use by third parties of the content of this website, nor for possible errors in the access to it. At the same time, the company reserves the right to temporarily suspend accessibility to the website when necessary, without prior notice.

This website contains links to external pages, the team partners not being responsible for the contents of such pages (being the responsibility of the user, governed by the terms and conditions of use of the pages consulted) or misuse or contrary activities to the law, morality or public order made by users on such pages.

At the same time, the establishment of any hyperlink from a Web page must be made to the main page of the Web site, and the total or partial reproduction of any of the services contained in the company’s Web site is prohibited.

Modification of the terms and conditions of use

The present general conditions and the particular ones that may eventually be established, and with the wording that they present at any time, have an indefinite duration, and will remain in force as long as the portal is active. The company reserves in any case the unilateral right to modify the conditions of access to them, as well as their content.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These conditions of use are governed by Spanish Law, the parties agreeing to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Pontevedra, In case of dispute or controversy related to the application or interpretation of the same.


In compliance with current regulations on data protection, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (RGPD-GDPR) and Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, Data Protection and Digital Rights Guarantee (LOPDGDD), we offer you the following additional information about the processing of personal data that we carry out.

Purpose, recipients and exercise of rights

The personal data provided through this website will be collected in files owned by the company in order to manage, administer and provide the services or provide the content you request, as well as being able to offer you new services and content and send you commercial information, related to the news and promotions of the project. The mandatory data of each form will be identified as such, causing the lack of supply of said information or the supply of incorrect data, so that the project team can provide the services or content that it requests.

The user consents to the processing of their data for the purposes described. Likewise, we inform you that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, by email to the address identifying yourself as a user of the website and specifying your request or by ordinary mail to the address above indicated (registered office), providing a photocopy of the DNI or equivalent document.

Responsibilities and commitments of the user

The user guarantees that he is over 14 years old and that the information provided is accurate and truthful, undertaking to inform the company of any modification of the information that has been requested, by email to the address [] , identifying yourself as a user of the website and specifying those data that have been modified.

The user must keep the identification keys and codes secret and inform the company in the event of loss, theft or unauthorized access, as soon as possible, and the company is not responsible for the improper use by unauthorized third parties.

In the event that, in the execution of the services, personal data of third parties are provided to the company, the user guarantees that he is legitimately empowered to provide such data and that he has proceeded to inform the interested party of the transfer of his data and to request your consent, taking responsibility for the breach of these obligations.