Regenerative Agriculture

@Crusenho Agus Hennihuno

Regenerative agriculture is a way of farming that focuses on biodiversity and soil health, which has been degraded by the use of heavy machinery, fertilizers and pesticides in intensive farming. It uses ecological practices such as annual crop rotation, the use of compost, cover crops and green manure. Regenerative agriculture rejects the use of chemical (potentially harmful) substances, such as pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers, but instead ecosystem services to produce in harmony with nature.

CĂ³mo pueden participar los jĂ³venes

Young people can practice regenerative agriculture by:

  1. participating in existing projects as volunteers
  2. setting up communitary gardens and planting certain crops (for example, low maintenance crops), using regenerative agriculture techniques

Habilidades y competencias

  • awareness of the benefits of regenerative agriculture
  • knowledge about agriculture and its environmental impacts