Second-hand Clothes

@Hulki Okan Tabak

Several projects aim to reduce the overconsumption of clothing, through various activities such as promoting knowledge about sustainable clothing, prolong clothes’ lifespan, or by organizing second-hand markets and clothes swaps. These practices reduce the demand for new, mass-produced clothing and maintain materials in use for longer, while also redistributing affordable clothes.

Grupo destinatario:

People with fewer opportunities, facing economic and social difficulties

CĂ³mo pueden participar los jĂ³venes

There are several activities that need to be done in order to organize a second hand clothes market:

  1. Collect clothes that are no longer in use by the current owner, for example, through donations
  2. Analyzing if the clothes are suitable for sale/swap
  3. Repair clothes if needed
  4. Price the clothes (in case of a secondhand market)
  5. Choose a place to set up the sales/swap event
  6. Publicize event
  7. Execute

Habilidades y competencias

  • awareness of the environmental impacts of clothes
  • knowledge about sustainable alternatives for fast fashion
  • sewing and mending clothes
  • customer service