Enplegu Berdea Ezagutzen


Name of the project:

Enplegu Berdea Ezagutzen

Name of the organisations:

  • Garapen


The main objectives of this project are:

  • To contribute to the definition of the professional objective of the most vulnerable young people, offering them the possibility of knowing and putting into practice their abilities, skills and interests in different areas of the circular
  • economy, in the green field, through training in 4 thematic areas (green trade, organic farming, waste management and renewable energy).
  • To improve and/or contribute to the definition of the professional objective of the participating people, guiding them towards the opportunities derived from the sustainability of the market.
  • To Adjust employment expectations to market reality.
  • To Accompany in the personal development of each participant, in self-knowledge.
  • To Carry out tailor-made training in different subject areas that contributes to the definition of the professional objective. Facilitate self-knowledge and the development of skills.



Target Group:

16-30 years old, unemployed and with low educational level

Good practice:

  • Training at workplace
  • Sustainable economy as an entrepreneurial alternative
  • Awareness