Fourth and last face-to-face partner meeting of The Circular Way project

The partners of The Circular Way project met in the Romanian city of Arad during the third week of September 2024 for the fourth and last partners’ meeting of the project. This meeting has been used to throw the main conclusions obtained during the two years of life of the project, to reflect on them […]
Training for Youngsters: a way to engage youngsters on circular economy and inclusion

The week of 1-5 July 2024 took place in the city of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) the training week “Training for Youngsters”, developed in the framework of the project The Circular Way to Inclusion. 20 young people from 4 countries of the European Union (Portugal, Latvia, Romania and Spain) had the opportunity to enjoy an […]
Training for Staff in Santiago de Compostela to make the circular economy a way to Inclusion for young people

The Circular Way to Inclusion project has held between the 17th and 21st of June in the city of Santiago de Compostela the training week for trainers in the field of youth. This training has counted with the participation of at least two members of each of the 5 partners of the project under a […]
Third Transnational Meeting in Lisbon (Portugal)

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The Training Kit “Circular Economy for Youth Inclusion” already available online

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“Circular Economy Training Kit”: new project result recently published to boosts green skills for youth organisations

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The Circular Way HUB is already available, with more than 100 involved!

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Have a look at our Guidelines for Awareness Campaigns Related to Circular Economy

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The best practices on youth inclusion at social/labour market level already available!

The Circular Way to Inclusion project has made available a new series of best practices, this time related to successful initiatives on youth inclusion at social/labour market level. It is a new compilation of factsheets describing social inclusion best practices across Europe. The objective of these factsheets is to show concrete and successful examples of […]
Second transnational meeting in Liepaja (Latvia)

Et sequi tempora.