Furniture Upcycling

@Cottonbro Studio

Upcycling is the recovery and repurposing of discarded objects in a creative way, preventing them from being incinerated or wasted in landfills. The objects are repurposed to create products with a higher esthetic value. In the case of furniture, for instance, it often has to be repaired, renovated or refurbished as a whole or parts that are reused in other pieces.

CĂ³mo pueden participar los jĂ³venes

  1. Find a local carpenter to repair broken furniture
  2. Look for a carpentry course and learn to repair furniture
  3. Organize an upcycling workshop together with people with repair skills

Habilidades y competencias

  • repairing furniture
  • using tools
  • knowledge on different materials used to build furniture
  • design