On 27 and 28 June 2023, the second transnational meeting took place in the Latvian city of Liepāja, with the participation of the 5 partners of The Circular Way to Inclusion project.
In this meeting, the different actions already developed in the project have been presented, such as the different good practices on circular economy already available in the platform (Circular Economy Digital Hub), as well as the structuring of the dissemination and visibility actions of the project and of the different organisations working with young people in the environmental and socio-labour fields in the partners’ regions.
On the other hand, the different good practices in socio-labour inclusion of young people have been discussed with a view to their final publication, the guidelines for the successful implementation of awareness-raising campaigns on circular economy, as well as the definition of the structures of the training kits on both circular economy and socio-labour inclusion, materials that will be available in the coming months.
The next partners’ meeting will be held in the Portuguese city of Lisbon in March 2024, where the final versions of the Training Kits will be defined.