Training for Staff in Santiago de Compostela to make the circular economy a way to Inclusion for young people

The Circular Way to Inclusion project has held between the 17th and 21st of June in the city of Santiago de Compostela the training week for trainers in the field of youth.

This training has counted with the participation of at least two members of each of the 5 partners of the project under a peer learning approach, combining a series of workshop-style training actions with study visits related to the field of circular economy and social and labour inclusion of young people.

The competences acquired by the staff of the participating entities as a result of this joint learning experience have been the following:

  • Green Skills: Green skills, based on the Rs of the Circular Economy
  • Training Solutions: Provision of training solutions based on Circular Economy under a social and labour market perspective
  • Integration: Development of activities under the Circular Economy principles for the integration of youngsters with fewer possibilities

The project will continue its training itinerary with the celebration  from the 1st to the 5th of July 2024 of the Training Event for Youngsters (also in the city of Santiago de Compostela), on which youngsters from the 4 EU countries represented in the project will be trained on the possibilities that the circular economy offers for their socials and labour inclusion.