Training for Youngsters: a way to engage youngsters on circular economy and inclusion

The week of 1-5 July 2024 took place in the city of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) the training week “Training for Youngsters”, developed in the framework of the project The Circular Way to Inclusion.

20 young people from 4 countries of the European Union (Portugal, Latvia, Romania and Spain) had the opportunity to enjoy an intercultural experience and acquire a series of skills and values related to the circular economy and how it can represent a relevant means for social and labour inclusion.

In this way, during the 5 days the young people have been able to alternate workshop-style training sessions with study visits where they have been able to participate in a practical way in real experiences related to circular economy and inclusion.

Here you can watch a video summary of the activities carried out, as well as the testimonies of the young participants during this training week.

The project will continue its way with the last international partners’ meeting in Arad (Romania) and the realisation of the different dissemination events of the project in each of the represented regions.