Critical Concrete

#13 Crititcal Concrete-pichi

Critical Concrete is focused on researching, educating, designing and consulting on sustainable construction methods. The project defines sustainable construction as long lasting and easily repairable structures, made of locally sourced materials and upcycled waste.



Difficulty level:



Construction requires a great quantity of resources: in the EU, it accounts for about 50% of all extracted material. The construction sector also generates more than 35% of the EU’s waste. On the other hand, it is also responsible for greenhouse gas emissions: material extraction, manufacturing of construction products, construction and renovation of buildings account for 5 to 12% of emissions .

How youngsters can get involved

Youngsters can organize participatory design workshops in collaboration with Universities or other NGOs (in these workshops, people from different design backgrounds create sustainable solutions. The sessions are exploratory and interesting solutions to tricky problems can arise, as participants are encouraged to think out of the box)

Skills and Competences

  • knowledge about sustainable construction
  • knowledge about social problems
  • upcycling
  • design
  • problem solving
  • teamwork

How youngsters can get involved