move IdA – bewegt durch IdA

Name of the project:

move IdA – bewegt durch IdA

Name of the organisations:

  • Minor


Unemployed young people and young adults have the opportunity to enhance their job prospects and improve their access to the overall job and training market by participating in a two-month company internship in Sweden, Spain, or the Netherlands. This international experience aims to provide them with job-related perspectives and directly increase their chances of success.

The project's objective is to enhance personal skills (such as self-efficacy, intercultural skills, and motivation) through overseas work experience and the resulting change in environment. By engaging in work experience abroad, participants develop alternative

life plans that reduce reliance on social benefits. Individual coaching during the post-program period improves the likelihood of successful placement.

The project staff provide pedagogical and organizational support to the participants throughout the entire process. This includes pre-departure preparation, on-site accompaniment during the overseas experience, post-program follow-up, and assistance with integration into work or training.



Target Group:

16-30 years old

Good practice:

  • Get out of the comfort zone
  • Get to know different cultures
  • Change social environment
  • Learning by doing