AGL. Asociación Gallega de Linfedema, Lipedema, Insuficiencia Venosa Crónica y otras Patologías Vasculares Periféricas

Rúa López Ballesteros Nº 7 Oficina Nº 6, 36600, Vilagarcía de Arousa, Pontevedra Spain

0034 986 505 443 // 0034 630 024 428


AGL was founded with the aim of informing, assisting, and collaborating with all individuals affected by the condition, as well as disseminating its knowledge among both public and private entities, in order to prevent the onset of the condition in some cases and to increase the resources available within the public system to mitigate its effects.

AGL was born in response to the need for support, information, and representation for individuals affected by Lymphedema. It is a non-profit organization registered in the Associations Registry of the Galician Autonomous Community, which brings together individuals affected by the condition, their families, and those interested in this pathology. Since April 2018, it also includes Lipedema, Chronic Venous Insufficiency, and other peripheral vascular pathologies.



PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICE. The specialized physiotherapy service for lymphedema is provided, consisting of manual lymphatic drainage treatment by a network of professionals specialized in the field, located in different care points across Galicia.

DEVELOPED ACTIONS. Management of AGL’s website. Facebook presence. Informative talks by AGL. Solidarity markets. Collaboration with other entities.

PROGRAMMING FOR ASSOCIATED INDIVIDUALS. Specialized Lymphedema Physiotherapy Program. AGL’s annual newsletter. Members’ gatherings. Assistance and guidance in association spaces within hospitals.