Rúa Benito Corbal núm.45 (Portal lateral rúa Javier Puig Llamas nº1), piso 3 local 1. 36001 Pontevedra, Spain
0034 986 108 285 // 0034 693 714 005
A non-profit association whose purpose is to enhance the quality of life, independence, and social participation of individuals and their families with kidney diseases, aiming for transplantation and improved healthcare quality. The association aims to provide moral and physical support to all individuals affected by kidney disease, as well as prevent and combat these diseases through the development of various initiatives and activities.
· Comprehensive information and assistance service.
· Professional social intervention with the individual, family, and/or caregiver (if applicable) and the surrounding environment.
· Personalized and nutritional counseling.
· Educo-formative and social awareness activities: courses, informational tables, promotion of organ and tissue donation, transplantation, etc.
· Personalized attention in dialysis rooms.