ALUCEM Asociación Lucense de Esclerosis Múltiple

Avenida Infanta Elena, 11 - Casa Clara Campoamor Local 9, 27003 Lugo, Spain

0034 982 202 942


ALUCEM (Lugo Multiple Sclerosis Association) was established in the year 1996 by a group of individuals affected by Multiple Sclerosis.

The purpose of the association is to enhance the quality of life for individuals affected by multiple sclerosis. To achieve this, it provides various daily services aimed at comprehensive care for individuals affected by the condition in the province of Lugo.


• Neurorehabilitation Service

• Specialized Guidance, Advice, and Information Service in MS

• Psychological Support Service

• Administrative Service

• Volunteering

• Neurorehabilitation and Dry Needling Program

• Comprehensive Care Program in Multiple Sclerosis

• Volunteering Program

• Collaboration Agreements with Companies