Centro de Emprendemento Cidade da Cultura 15707 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña),. España
0034 881 95 74 52 // 0034 698 12 04 55
The Association of Insertion Companies of Galicia (AEIGA) is a non-profit entity that brings together labor insertion companies in Galicia. AEIGA, as an organization, encompasses two complementary profiles:
On one hand, it is a business association representing employers that gather insertion companies in Galicia.
On the other hand, it is a non-profit social entity actively working in the field of socio-labor inclusion for groups identified as at risk of social exclusion.
They aim to promote the dissemination and promotion of Insertion Companies (EIL) as a means to combat social exclusion and as a tool for the labor integration of individuals in situations of social exclusion or at risk of social exclusion.
Creation of devices for promotion, guidance, training, counseling, research, technical assistance, and dissemination of insertion companies.
Dissemination, awareness, and social mobilization.
Development and participation in research studies.
Interaction with state, regional, and local public administration.
Development and implementation of programs and projects.
Training: workshops, courses, seminars, etc.
Participation in the Monitoring Committee for reserved contracts of the Xunta de Galicia (Galician Regional Government).
Services to member insertion companies:
Specific advice to Insertion Companies (EIL) and Promoting Entities.
Access to specialized training in the sector.
Means for the dissemination of activities.
Monitoring of the regulatory framework and policy impact.
Dissemination and communication about opportunities for public procurement.
Sensitization, dissemination, and promotion activities for the insertion company model.
Preparation of studies and reports on the sector.
Design of tools to improve insertion support processes.