Centro de Emprendemento Cidade da Cultura 15707 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña),. España

0034 881 95 74 52 // 0034 698 12 04 55


The Association of Insertion Companies of Galicia (AEIGA) is a non-profit entity that brings together labor insertion companies in Galicia. AEIGA, as an organization, encompasses two complementary profiles:

On one hand, it is a business association representing employers that gather insertion companies in Galicia.

On the other hand, it is a non-profit social entity actively working in the field of socio-labor inclusion for groups identified as at risk of social exclusion.

They aim to promote the dissemination and promotion of Insertion Companies (EIL) as a means to combat social exclusion and as a tool for the labor integration of individuals in situations of social exclusion or at risk of social exclusion.


  Creation of devices for promotion, guidance, training, counseling, research, technical assistance, and dissemination of insertion companies.

  Dissemination, awareness, and social mobilization.

  Development and participation in research studies.

  Interaction with state, regional, and local public administration.

  Development and implementation of programs and projects.

  Training: workshops, courses, seminars, etc.

  Participation in the Monitoring Committee for reserved contracts of the Xunta de Galicia (Galician Regional Government).

Services to member insertion companies:

  Specific advice to Insertion Companies (EIL) and Promoting Entities.

  Access to specialized training in the sector.

  Means for the dissemination of activities.

  Monitoring of the regulatory framework and policy impact.

  Dissemination and communication about opportunities for public procurement.

  Sensitization, dissemination, and promotion activities for the insertion company model.

  Preparation of studies and reports on the sector.

  Design of tools to improve insertion support processes.